Deckhand Job Description

Deckhand Job Description Template

Deckhands maintain and operate maritime vessels, performing tasks such as cleaning, painting, and repairing. They assist in navigation, docking, and handling of equipment, ensuring smooth sailing and safety at sea.


  • Assist in mooring and unmooring the vessel
  • Handle lines, ropes, and cables during docking and undocking
  • Perform routine maintenance and cleaning tasks on board
  • Follow safety procedures and protocols at all times
  • Assist with navigation and steering under the direction of the captain
  • Participate in emergency drills and be prepared to respond to emergencies
  • Assist with loading and unloading cargo and equipment
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the captain or first mate


  • Physically fit and able to work long hours on deck in all weather conditions
  • Comfortable working at heights and in confined spaces
  • Knowledge of safety procedures and ability to respond quickly in emergency situations
  • Experience with the operation and maintenance of deck equipment, such as winches and cranes
  • Good communication skills and ability to work well as part of a team
  • Familiarity with navigation and charting tools
  • Willingness to learn and take direction from senior crew members
  • Ability to perform routine maintenance tasks on the vessel, such as cleaning and painting