Songwriter Job Description

Songwriter Job Description Template

As a songwriter, you'll be responsible for creating lyrics and melodies for music artists. You'll need to be creative, have a strong understanding of music theory, and be able to collaborate effectively with musicians and producers. A passion for music and a strong work ethic are essential for success in this field.


  • Write lyrics and music that are original, creative and catchy
  • Collaborate with music producers, artists, and performers to create songs
  • Research and stay up-to-date with current music trends and styles
  • Attend and participate in music industry events and networking opportunities
  • Protect intellectual property by copyrighting songs and registering with appropriate agencies
  • Pitch songs to record labels, music publishers, and other industry professionals
  • Revise and edit songs based on feedback from collaborators and industry professionals
  • Manage and maintain a portfolio of songs and related materials


  • Proficiency in songwriting skills, including melody, lyrics, and composition
  • Ability to collaborate with other musicians and producers to create cohesive and marketable songs
  • Strong understanding of various music genres and trends, and ability to tailor songwriting to specific target audiences
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, including the ability to give and receive constructive feedback
  • Strong work ethic and ability to meet deadlines in a fast-paced and constantly changing industry
  • Familiarity with music production software and technology, such as digital audio workstations and MIDI controllers
  • A portfolio of previous work demonstrating songwriting ability and versatility
  • A passion for music and a deep understanding of its power to connect with listeners