How to become a Pottery

Possessing proficiency in fundamental pottery techniques, including hand-building and wheel throwing, along with expertise in glazing and firing processes, fosters employment opportunities and propels ceramic artists' long-term trajectory toward success, safeguarding artisanal the trade.

Hard skills:

  1. Wheel Throwing: Ability to accurately and efficiently shape clay on a pottery wheel
  2. Glazing: Ability to properly apply and mix glazes for optimal application and results
  3. Firing: Understanding of various firing temperatures and techniques for desired outcomes
  4. Molding: Understanding of various molding methods to create desired shapes
  5. Hand Tooling: Ability to use specialized tools to carve designs or shapes into clay
  6. Design: Knowledge of design principles for creating aesthetically pleasing pieces
  7. Color Theory: Understanding of color combinations to create desired outcomes
  8. Finishing: Proficient in sanding and polishing to achieve desired finish

Soft skills:

  1. Creative Thinking - Ability to generate original ideas and think outside the box
  2. Problem Solving - Capacity to identify and address any issues that arise
  3. Attention to Detail - Proficiency in completing precise and accurate work
  4. Time Management - Skill in organizing and planning tasks efficiently
  5. Interpersonal Communication - Proficiency in effectively communicating with others
  6. Organizational Skills - Capacity to structure and prioritize tasks
  7. Teamwork - Talent in working cooperatively with a group
  8. Dexterity - Expertise in handling the tools and materials necessary for pottery creation